2024-01-16 03:43:11 -

2024-01-02 13:48:41 -

2024-01-23 09:04:37 -

2024-01-16 08:02:04 -

2024-01-16 08:03:38 -

2024-01-02 01:42:06 -
容量大小:装电脑很合适 外观颜值:灰色比较好看 舒适度:有待长期体验 材质特点:是否防水有待观察 做工细节:不错

2024-01-15 09:03:42 -
物有所值 面料细腻柔软弹性好东西非常满意

2024-01-07 17:45:21 -

2024-01-06 21:51:37 -

2024-01-16 06:27:19 -
物超所值 非常好 质量非常好

Aldi - 价格亲民的小超市


你喜欢Aldi 吗? Aldi 是家物美价廉的欧洲品牌连锁小超市,在美国有超过两千家店,我家附近方圆十几里就有好几家。每星期的促销打折经常会有一些物超所值的好食品。 我们经常会去买些水果蔬菜,肉类奶制品,还有不少健康有机产品。 不想去Costco 买大包装物品时候,这家小超市是个不错的选择。 

最初知道Aldi 大概是7,8年前,我们家附近的小商场里开了一家。晚饭后散步就可以走去逛一逛。那时候顾客很少感觉有点惨淡经营。不过我们喜欢里面的清净可以在里面悠闲地逛,发现了一些便宜货。像芦笋只买.99元,而其他店要贵一倍以上。很多水果蔬菜都很便宜。有一次还买到6qtr铸铁锅只要二十多元,这种锅在名牌店可是要两百元以上呢。 隔三差五去逛一逛,总有些物美价廉的小收获,开始喜欢上了Aldi

后来听说这家店是欧洲来的,好像和Trader Joe’s还有点关系(解密在结尾)。上网一搜了解到一些Aldi 的发家史,还有不少有趣的故事。在此分享给像我一样对商业成功的故事感兴趣的网友们。

Aldi起始于1913年德国的矿工Albrecht一家在街角开的烘培小店,到1961年在西德已经有300家店,这时经营家族企业的Albrecht两个儿子因理念不同(是否贩卖香烟)而分成了两家,一个经营西德的西南部分,店名是Aldi Sud, 另一个经营北部,店名为Aldi Nord 我们在美国看到的店家属于Aldi sudlogo 是左边这个。

新冠疫情爆发后随着通货膨胀的压力增长,食物价格飞涨,迫使越来越多的人转向Aldi, 寻找性价比更高的产品,这使得Aldi 在疫情中不退反进,得到了进一步的发展。 我们现在去店里明显感觉人多了要排队了。 最近Aldi又买下了Winn-Dixie and Harvey’s 超市的控股公司Southeastern Grocers,有望在年底在美国扩展到2400家店。 

Aldi 现在全球已经拥有12000家店,在欧洲是领军的超市企业,在美国也是势不可挡。她究竟有什么经营秘诀使之如此成功呢?从她的店名可见一斑。Aldi 取之于店主的姓名 Albrecht + discount (折扣)。消费者最喜欢折扣嘛。Aldi 致力于低于市场平均价格,他们的宗旨是以少胜多,从资金,员工,到店面都体现了节俭的原则,从而达到给消费者更多的折扣,discount - Aldi 的使命。


来看看我们在Aldi 常买的一些健康和有机食品。(水果蔬菜奶酪肉类未上照片) 


低脂咖啡伴侣 coffee creamer 






Aldi还经常有一些季节性的产品,过时不候,还需要经常去光顾。Aldi 并不是所有东西都好,有时候蔬果不够新鲜,需要谨慎挑选。Aldi性价比高的好东西还有很多,欢迎大家一起来分享。

解密Aldi Trader Joe’s 缺德舅的关系。Aldi Nord 70年代收购了Trader Joe’s, 因为看中此店的潜力和经营理念,此后一直由Aldi Albrecht家族后代持有。有没有觉得他们两家有点惺惺相惜的感觉呢?



My husband loved his new shoes. He wears them all of the time.
- Singapore

Sizing is perfect. It is like a spring in my step, I stand all day....
- Liberia

No squeaks, no issues. Nice look, feel good. Light as expected. Like them a lot.
- Liberia

Finally able to order my correct size without getting a size bigger to get the width I need.
- Switzerland

I am very happy to buy this product.The shipment was very fast and arrived in very good condition.Thank you.
- Liberia

I have a really hard time finding shoes that fit and are comfortable. These were great right out of the box. Very happy.
- Singapore

I have had a hard time finding these shoes in stores in regular width, so I was really glad I could purchase these at a very reasonable price.
- Switzerland

I have a wide foot and they fit well. I use it for working out, yard work and errands. I would not run in this shoe but on a stair master or bike no problem.
- Switzerland

I wear size 8 shoe -orderd size 8 -normal width .I m 5'7" -130 lbs . They fit perfect . Little snug at first as are all new shoes . Hope this helps with concerning ordering a size larger issue .
- Liberia

Very nice looking shoes. They are a gift. However, I tried them on, and they were comfortable for me. My friend will love them. Nikes price too be a little expensive, but, last for ever. They are sturdy shoes. Worth the money.
- Singapore

2023-12-04 03:16:55--
fast shipping great product

2023-12-04 03:12:19--
Looks really nice. Very pleased with purchase!

2023-12-04 03:05:52--
Really happy, fast ship and decent quality for price. No complaints here

2023-12-04 03:05:28--
The quality and materials are very good.

2023-12-04 03:03:07--
This was more than what I expected . Very beautiful and looks exactly like original. I wud definitely recommend buying from this seller.

2023-12-04 03:02:49--
The earrings are exactly the same as the official ones. I ordered them in the morning, delivered them in the evening, and received them in a week. They are very beautiful and happy.

2023-12-04 03:01:39--
Beautiful bracelets! I ordered both in 17cm. I have tiny wrists. The seller communicated well and timely. Shipping took about two weeks to Chicago. The bracelets are lightweight but have quality to them if that makes sense. I wasn’t necessarily looking for a dupe to the brand name but I love the style of these so I had to have em. BE SURE TO MESSAGE THE SELLER AND LET THEM KNOW WHAT SIZE YOU NEED AFTER PURCHASING! I would order again from this seller The express will arrive in the United States within two weeks after placing the order

2023-12-04 02:59:50--
My girlfriend loves green, so I ordered two greens for her. She told me she loved them very muchI'm glad to see her happy LOL

Displaying 901 to 908 (of 908 reviews)

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